Dental Implants in Kelowna

Dental Implants Near You

A dental implant is a popular tooth replacement option because it appears and functions almost identically to a natural tooth. Dental implants in Kelowna are made up of three components: a titanium implant, a connecting abutment, and a crown that is custom-crafted to match the color and size of your existing teeth.

Many people are unable to distinguish between a dental implant and a natural tooth.

dental implants in kelowna

Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you meet the following criteria, you may be a good candidate for a dental implant:

  • You have good overall and oral health.
  • Your jawbone is strong enough to sustain the implant.
  • Your gum tissues are healthy and free of periodontal disease.

Our dentist in Kelowna will be able to recommend this procedure and assess your qualifications by performing a physical examination of your smile and taking x-rays. I

The first step of the treatment is numbing the target site with local anesthesia and drilling the screw into your jawbone; the abutment is placed afterward. Your mouth will need to heal for several months before the process can be completed. During this time, your bone and the screw will fuse, creating a very firm structure for your smile.

When you return, the crown, which is the only visible aspect of the implant, is applied. The tooth is polished and your dentist will check to see that everything looks good and that you’re comfortable before allowing you to leve.

After the Procedure

Dental implants near you, like natural teeth, require diligent at-home oral care and regular dental appointments to maintain function and prevent peri-implant disease. Brushing and flossing are still required to keep your implant clean and plaque-free. Periodic follow-up visits will be scheduled to ensure the health of your implants, teeth, and gums.

What is the Price of a Dental Implant?

The cost of replacement teeth is determined by several factors, including the specifics of your insurance coverage, the number of implants required, whether additional procedures such as bone grafts or extractions are required, and your choice of anesthesia.

Visit Our Dental Practice

Our dentist near you, here at Sopa Square Dental Clinic is very excited to meet with you and discuss your oral health goals. Whether you’re interested in getting implants or another form of restorative dentistry to remedy missing teeth, we guarantee that we’ll get your smile back to optimal!

Call us today to arrange an appointment!